


The Information and Management Systems Engineering (Bachelor’s/Master’s course) provide students with the basic ability to not only accurately grasp the needs of society for management organizational bodies such as corporations and local governments, but also to create, propose, and implement new management systems and information systems that support those systems. The objective of the course programs are to nurture professionals with the basic ability to create, propose, and implement new management systems and information systems that support those systems. To this end, the following learning and educational objectives have been established.

1. to acquire the ability to create scientific and rational management systems

  1. Basic knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences
  2. Basic knowledge of technology related to the conversion, transmission, and storage of information
  3. Qualities to learn the latest knowledge and necessary multifaceted information independently and continuously

2. the ability to embody management systems by making full use of information technology

  1. Knowledge necessary to materialize information systems
  2. Basic knowledge of how to realize information systems useful for business management activities and business support

3. to acquire the ability to design (plan, design, and manage) business management systems

  1. Knowledge of the principles and methods of business management activities
  2. Mathematical analysis ability to systematically collect and analyze information, model management systems, and optimize them, while taking into account the uncertainty of environmental changes
  3. System designing ability to plan, design, and manage management systems based on an accurate understanding of social requirements and various constraints

4. the ability to develop information and management systems

  1. The ability to acquire basic knowledge of engineering, economics, business administration, etc., and to practice the development of management information systems
  2. The ability to carry out work systematically under various constraints and to organize it while appropriately demonstrating initiative, cooperation, and leadership
  3. The ability to contribute to the welfare of mankind by flexibly conceiving and tenaciously developing management information systems based on the VOS spirit

5. the ability to grasp the economic and social environment surrounding management from a global perspective

  1. The ability to recognize that the activities of management organizational bodies are affected by and give rise to global resources and energy, the natural environment, and the economic and social environment, and to solve problems based on such multifaceted perspectives
  2. The qualities to understand and act on social responsibility as an engineer, with humanity and ethics that allow consideration for the welfare of humankind and the global environment
  3. The ability to think and write logically, to express and interact in presentations and discussions, and to communicate internationally, which is necessary to understand the global state of the economic and social environment and to share knowledge and wisdom with humanity