
プロフィール profile

鈴木 信貴

鈴木 信貴

SUZUKI Nobutaka


職名 Associate Professor
学位 Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
所属 Management Systems Group,Graduate Shool of Engineering
兼務 --
主な授業担当科目 Invitation to engineer frontier,Information and society, Management sytems practice, Management sytems, Manegement of technology, Manegement of product development
研究分野 StrategicManagement,TechnologyManagement,Manufacturing Management
研究テーマ Innovation management,Market strategy in emerging countries, Research and development capabilities, Manufacturing capacity
研究業績等 http://souran.nagaokaut.ac.jp/view?l=ja&u=100000426&a2=0000013&sm=affiliation&sl=ja&sp=10
所属学会 The Academic Association for Organizational Science,Japan Academy of Business Administration,Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics,Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Management
研究室名 Strategic,Technology and Manufacturing Management Laboratory
研究室HP --

Research outline

With the establishment of more enterprises, new markets are expanding in India. The companies design new products and make profit by selling them. Organizations improve productivity by continuously working towards improvement of the production site. These matters are directly related to the management. They are controlled under  strategic management, technology management, and manufacturing management. It is a common assumption that management is a conventional term.However, this is not the case. For example, Japanese bullet train is operational on all days, without any cases of major accident. No other railway is able to compete with this railwaysi in terms of safety and accuracy, even after the incorporation of same computerized systems and trains.The management and the organization should be responsible to devise certain measures to ensure smooth and continued operations of the train in spite of any sudden accidents. Product development and production activities are same things. To fast track the development of a superior product, it is necessary for the management and organization to establish a productivity chain that is functional in all circumstances. It is quite evident that management is a very complex phenomenon and is affected by various factors. In our laboratory, we aim to clarify the causal relationship of the management by analyzing the empirical studies.

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