About the IMSE

Unique Educational Systems


Study Supporting System

A unique students’ study supporting system is carried out in the Nagaoka University Technology, which support students in undergraduate course’s everyday studies by senior (master or doctoral course) students.  There are 2 supporting styles, one is the studying support corresponding the individual, and the other is the studying support for the students group in the support space.  All of the students can use the system at no expenses.

Comments from students supported

  • Advised about university and each course of schools.
  • Carefully Taught about lectures’ questions that cannot solve alone.
  • Taught how to write reports.
  • Advised not only studies but also about daily life.
  • Given knowledge only known among elder students.

Advisory Professors System

Each students in the course are attached into the staffs of the course.  Students can get many aspects of advises in the student life.  For each student who is not yet attached to a laboratory, is assigned to an Advisory Professor.  Each Professor supposes to take care of five or six students.

Coordinating with the respective Head of Department and the relevant lecturer in charge of the year, Advisory Professors are supposed to counsel students regarding the following matters:

  • To help the student to select courses according to his/her preferences.
  • To confirm that student achieved enough number of credits to complete the course successfully.
  • To encourage the student to register for Master Course.
  • Advise students for extracurricular activities that maintain both physical/mental healths.
  • Monitor the student progress by examining assignment and laboratory activities.
  • Implement friendly communication environment between the advisor and the student.
  • Consult regarding any matter that improves the student life.

Supporing for International Students

The international students can receive a lot of opportunities of supporting about student life in Nagaoka, Japan.  The tutor system is one of the supporting system.  A Japanese student is attached to one international student, and gives many supports student life among months from his/her arrivals at Japan.  The university desk also prepares many guides about student life.  Moreover, there are a lot of student groups on each country /area in the university.  The advises from the senior students in the same country / area in the visitor room for international students are the best solutions for new students.

For more detailed information about supporting International students, please see the page.

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